Padrões de leitura de palavras, números e letras em sistema Braille de alunos com deficiência visual

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Ribeiro, Márcio da Silva
Teixeira, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz
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Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
Duduchi, Marcelo
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The identification of indicators of phonological awareness in reading patterns for students with visual impairment (VI) who use the Braille system is an important indicator of reading competences. The general objective was to verify patterns of reading of words, numbers and letters in Braille in individuals with visual impairment. The specific objectives were: a) to identify and classify the types of errors in reading Braille words; b) to verify associations between the number of correct answers in Braille words, letters and numbers with type of VI, age of vision loss, chronological age, years attending school and time of exposure to Braille; c) to identify Braille reading pattern according to the type of words. The study adopted a cross-sectional exploratory design. The sample followed convenience criteria and was formed by 22 blind students without intellectual disability indicators (mean age = 29,09; standard deviation = 11,09; 8 females and 14 males) selected among 47 students with VI that attend a specialized educational service in Marabá, state of Pará, Brazil. The data collection instruments were: a) Rapid Automatized Naming Test (RAN/Letters and Numbers) transcribed into Braille; b) Test of word reading competence adapted and transcribed into Braille (TCLP); c) family socioeconomic classification form. The main results show a better performance at RAN compared to adapted TCLP. Participants displayed higher mean scores at TCLP for correct regular words (mean=0,89) and correct irregular words (mean=0,80). The worst performances were presented in homophone pseudo-words (mean=0,29) and strange pseudo-words (mean=0,42). Statistically significant positive correlations were observed between execution time at RAN (letters and numbers test) and age of onset of the VI. Statistically significant negative correlations were verified between the age of onset of the visual impairment and the number of correct answers at RAN-Letters. Most mistakes in reading words at TCLP were reverse letters, followed by omissions and additions. Considering the writing form of Braille system, we advanced the hypothesis that Braille‟s own writing patterns, with the inversion of dots (upper/lower and first/second column), may have contributed to the mistakes in reading words. The analysis of the collected data leads to the conclusion that, in reading patterns of Braille words, there was a prevalence of mistakes with reversion of letters, omissions and additions that, associated with the representation of Braille system, contributed to the high number of spelling mistakes. Many of the reversions, omissions and additions of letters contributed to a reading pattern with an expressive number of mistakes by semantic approximation, which highlights the participants‟ phonological deficits and reading difficulties.
deficiência visual , sistema Braille , leitura
Assuntos Scopus
RIBEIRO, Márcio da Silva. Padrões de leitura de palavras, números e letras em sistema Braille de alunos com deficiência visual. 2017. 100 f. Dissertação (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.