Efeitos do Programa de Alfabetização e Raciocínio (PAR) no desempenho acadêmico e na expressão das funções executivas em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem

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Rocha, Leilany Barcellos da
Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
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Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
Segin, Miriam
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Cognitive skills such as Executive Functions (FE) are essential for the consolidation of learning, considering aspects such as operational memory, selective attention, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and planning. In order to improve the performance of children with learning difficulties, this study aims to verify the effects of the Literacy and Reasoning Program (LRP) on expression of the executive functions and school performance of elementary school children. This program proposes the academic improvement through existing games, as well as those made by the professionals, that combine the stimulation of Executive Functions with the precursory skills of the literacy process. This study was divided into 2 phases. In the initial stage, after an evaluation of the instruments used by the LRP, an evaluation of 10 specialist judges in psychology, neuropsychological evaluation and development was requested to vote on the skills of EF that they thought were recruited to perform each game. At the end, only those games that obtained 70% approval in the same function were used to structure the LRP procedures in 16 meetings. In the second phase of the study, the program was tested. The sample consisted of 18 children, aged between 9 and 11 years, of both sexes divided into two distinct groups: Experimental Group – EG: students with learning difficulties attending LRP (A = 9) and Control Group – CG: students with learning difficulties who did not attend the program (B = 9). For both groups children with difficulties in reading, writing and mathematics were selected. The instruments used were the Attention by Cancelling Test (TAC), the Trial Making Test, the Child Behavior Checklist for ages 6-18 (CBCL / 6-18), The Behavior Inventory for Children and Adolescents between 06 and 18 years old - TRF / 6-18 and the Inventory of Executive Functions and Infant Regulation (IFERI). This phase of the study was conducted in three steps during the 8-week period: pre-test, intervention and post-test. In the intervention stage, two weekly sessions with one hour each, following the procedures defined in the previous phase were performed with the EG, and the CG did not receive any intervention, remaining only with the regular activities. The results indicate that despite the natural growth of both groups, after the intervention period, there is a trend of higher growth in the academic performance of the students of the GE and also a better performance of this in tasks that require the use of the FE. It was also perceived that a longer intervention time was necessary for statistically significant results, therefore, the continuity of the study is suggested, since qualitative results have been obtained that contribute to the improvement of students' academic performance.
funções executivas , intervenção , dificuldades de aprendizagem , escola
Assuntos Scopus
ROCHA, Leilany Barcellos da. Efeitos do Programa de Alfabetização e Raciocínio (PAR) no desempenho acadêmico e na expressão das funções executivas em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem. 2017. 134 f. Dissertação( Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.