Balanceamento inter-hemisférico do córtex pré-frontal e regulação emocional: um estudo neuromodulatório, comportamental e psicofisiológico

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Marques, Lucas Murrins
Boggio, Paulo Sérgio
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Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
Gonçalves, Óscar Filipe Coelho Neves
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Emotions can be understood as behavioral, physiological, and subjective individual’s alteration due to a given situation. Several times, an efficient regulation of these emotions can promote psychological and social survival. In this sense, recent publication demonstrate that the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) present a relevant role in cognitive control, especially during emotion regulation strategies. At the same time, the Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) has been shown to be an efficient technique neuromodulation in causal study between cortical structures and cognitive functions such as emotion regulation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inter-hemispheric balancing two regions of the PFC (Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral region) using different montages of tDCS on different strategies of emotional reapprasisal during the observation of negative images. The study purpose was to understand the specificity of the involvement of both structuresin healthy participants, with respect to the inter-hemispheric balance during emotion regulation, with respect to emotional experience, namely the behavioral aspect (valence and arousal judgement), and psychophysiological aspect (skin conductance response, and the cardiac interbeat interval). 180 undergraduate student (mean age 21,75±3,38) participated in this study, divided in two experiments (Dorsolateral PFC = n90; Ventrolateral PFC = n90). The result showed: i) the experimental task efficacy on the modulation of negative and positive affect; ii) cognitive reappraisal strategy efficacy on both emotional experience, behavioral (both experiments), and cardiac (only experiment 1); iii) Effect of anodal tDCS applied over left Ventrolateral PFC on increased valence evaluation of negative images, as well as on the decreased cardiac interbeat interval on earlier momentos of emotional processment. The findings suggest a main left Ventrolateral PFC role on selection and inhibition of negative content. Furthermore, the present study demonstrate for the very first time, modulation of cardiac recruitment due to: i) the cognitive reappraisal strategy used (experiment 1); and ii) the tDCS condition applied (experiment 2). Further studies are needed to confirm the hypotheses raised here.
regulação emocional , reavaliação cognitiva , córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral , córtex pré-frontal ventrolateral , neuromodulação , balanceamento inter-hemisférico , estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua , condutância da pele , intervalo inter-batidas
Assuntos Scopus
MARQUES, Lucas Murrins. Balanceamento inter-hemisférico do córtex pré-frontal e regulação emocional: um estudo neuromodulatório, comportamental e psicofisiológico. 2016. 105 f. Dissertação (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.