A concepçăo do atleta deficiente visual de Futebol sobre a Lei 8.213/91 (Lei de Cotas)
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Manassero, Waldemar
Osório, Ana Alexandra Caldas
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Membros da banca
Carvalho, Sueli Galego de
Betti, Mauro
Betti, Mauro
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Law 8.213 / 91 is a law that deals with the benefits of the General Social Security System,
also known as Quota Law due to its article 93, which addresses the percentage of jobs that
companies with 100 or more employees must reserve for people with disabilities or
rehabilitated. The law was enacted in 1991, however the idea of quota began to be discussed
after the meeting of the International Labour Organization, in 1983, which held the
Convention n° 159. This meeting dealt with vocational rehabilitation and employment for
people with disabilities. On the one hand the issue began to shed light on the right of
beneficiaries to exercise professional activities, on the other, did not bring guarantees of its
real effectiveness, since the paradigm changing of society`s vision on the subject did not
accompany it. The law, because of the bad use one makes of it, besides not giving real
guarantees to work for people with disabilities, is still negligent with the growing number of
parasports athletes that began to show interest in becoming professional in what they like
and they know to do. If in theory the possibility of being hired by companies as athletes is
not denied to them, in practice this possibility does not seem to exist, since often labor
inspectors do not allow this to occur. In this scenario, the present study aims to open spaces
for soccer athletes with visual impairment, so they can show what they think about their
professional work and what relationship they have with the mentioned law. So a series of
statistical surveys was made in socio-economic, educational, socio-professional information,
as well as professional aspirations and social responsibility. The study design, approved by
the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings, is quantitative and was conducted in
a sample of 32 male athletes. The instruments used were three: a brief interview to collect
socio-demographic and socio-cultural information; semi-structured interviews on the
following themes: a) relationship that the disabled person has with work; b) level of
knowledge about the law 8.213 / 91 and its impact on the employability of people with
disabilities; c) their aspirations within the sports and their professional lives. The main
results show that a significant proportion of the B2/B3 soccer athletes with visual impairments in our sample aspired to become professionals in their sports. However, they
also showed little or no knowledge of the Quota Law. It is concluded, from the data
presented, that it is important and possible to meet the needs of the people in this research,
to make a new regulation or, perhaps, to regulate the existing one.
Lei de Cotas , Lei 8.213/91 , atletas com deficiência , deficiência e trabalho , inclusão , mercado de trabalho , integração
Assuntos Scopus
MANASSERO, Waldemar. A concepçăo do atleta deficiente visual de Futebol sobre a Lei 8.213/91 (Lei de Cotas). 2016. 69 f. Dissertação( Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.