Educação especial na perspectiva de educação inclusiva: um estudo sobre alunos com síndrome de Down matriculados no Ensino Fundamental I
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Vital, Andréa Aparecida Francisco
D'Antino, Maria Eloisa Famá
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Mazzotta, Marcos José da Silveira
Prieto, Rosângela Gavioli
Prieto, Rosângela Gavioli
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo geral traçar o perfil dos alunos com síndrome de Down do Ensino Fundamental I, especificamente quanto aos processos de aprendizagem dos mesmos, elegendo a alfabetização como um indicador de resultados de ações pedagógicas diferenciadas por parte das escolas regulares, integrante da Rede Municipal de Educação de Barueri. Como objetivos específicos, elegemos: a) identificar e mapear a demanda de alunos com síndrome de Down atendidos pela Rede Municipal de Educação de Barueri; b) analisar os prontuários pedagógicos dos alunos acima identificados cursantes do Ensino Fundamental I, a fim de levantarmos dados sobre a evolução de suas aprendizagens, em especial a alfabetização; c) investigar o papel desempenhado pelas avaliações de desempenho da Rede e pelas avaliações pedagógicas dos alunos com deficiência, no que toca às ações posteriores integrantes da política Municipal de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência, especialmente a deficiência mental. Para tanto, apoiamo-nos nas diretrizes da pesquisa qualitativa visto que nosso principal foco de interesse era descrever e analisar a complexidade da fonte direta de dados obtidos em am-biente natural. Os dados gerais referentes aos alunos com síndrome de Down, matriculados na Escola Municipal de educação Especial e no Ensino Fundamental I e II, da Rede Municipal de Educação de Barueri, foram obtidos junto à Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Barueri/SP (SEMB), no mês de Abril de 2008. Utilizamo-nos, para coleta de dados, os seguintes procedimentos: a) seleção, a partir dos dados obtidos pela Secretaria da Educação, dos 23 alunos com síndrome de Down, matriculados no Ensino Fundamental I da Rede, independente de idade e sexo; b) análise dos prontuários pedagógicos dos 23 alunos com síndrome de Down identificados na etapa anterior; c) reaplicação da Avaliação Global 2008 Língua Portuguesa, aplicada pela própria pesquisadora, nas escolas que frequentam, após agendamento com as respectivas coordenadoras, em horário pré-determinado; d) questionário elaborado pela pes-quisadora e enviado ao Departamento de Apoio Especializado -DAE, por escrito, via e.mail, para obtenção de dados referentes à política e ações voltadas ao atendimento de alunos com deficiência, mais especificamente com síndrome de Down; e) levantamento de dados gerais sobre o funcionamento dos Serviços de Apoio do Município, obtidos em contato pessoal com as Coordenadoras do Ensino Fundamental e Educação Infantil da Rede e com a Diretora do Departamento de Educação Especializado - DAE. Como resultados pode-se pontuar que, in-dependentemente da série cursada, do sexo, da idade e do nível intelectual, dos alunos com síndrome de Down desta amostra, não se observou diferenças qualitativas no nível de apren-dizagem da leitura e escrita dos mesmos, especialmente aqueles que se encontram matricula-dos nas 3ªs e 4ªs séries do Ensino Fundamental I. O serviço de apoio especializado do Município mostrou-se insuficiente para atender a demanda.
Profile of students with Down´s syndrome following Basic Education was studied with spe-cial regard to their learning processes. Effective alphabetization was taken for signalizing the results of specific pedagogic practices in regular schools of the Public Basic Education Sys-tem of Barueri, SP. Specific goals of this study included: a) to identify and categorize the demand of students with Down´s syndrome following the Public Basic Education System of Barueri, SP; b) to analyze educational reports of these students in order to know data on their learning progresses, specially on their alphabetization; c) to investigate the role of performance assessments applied by that schooling system as well as of pedagogic assessments applied to students with special needs, especially those with intellectual disabilities, regarding the practices involved with the inclusion policies adopted by the city. Data were collected in the Municipal Department of Education of Barueri, SP, on April, 2008, resulting in a group of 23 students with Down´s Syndrome of both genders and with different ages regularly regis-tered in the Basic Education System. Global Assessment 2008: Portuguese was reapplied by the Author to all the 23 students after arrangements with respective school coordinators. A questionnaire developed by the Author was e-mailed to and answered by the Department of Specialized Support for collecting data on policies and practices involving the attention for students with special needs, especially for students with Down´s syndrome. Finally, general data on the functioning of the Department of Specialized Support were obtained with the coordinators of that Public Kindergarten and Basic Education System and with de Direct Board of the Department of Specialized Support. Data were qualitatively analyzed since the main focus was the description and analysis of the complexity of the direct source of data collected in natural environment. Results have failed to point out qualitative differences among students with Down´s Syndrome regarding their reading and writing learning process, when analyzed by their school series, gender, age and intellectual level. Demands of these students are not sufficiently supported by the Department of Specialized Support.
Profile of students with Down´s syndrome following Basic Education was studied with spe-cial regard to their learning processes. Effective alphabetization was taken for signalizing the results of specific pedagogic practices in regular schools of the Public Basic Education Sys-tem of Barueri, SP. Specific goals of this study included: a) to identify and categorize the demand of students with Down´s syndrome following the Public Basic Education System of Barueri, SP; b) to analyze educational reports of these students in order to know data on their learning progresses, specially on their alphabetization; c) to investigate the role of performance assessments applied by that schooling system as well as of pedagogic assessments applied to students with special needs, especially those with intellectual disabilities, regarding the practices involved with the inclusion policies adopted by the city. Data were collected in the Municipal Department of Education of Barueri, SP, on April, 2008, resulting in a group of 23 students with Down´s Syndrome of both genders and with different ages regularly regis-tered in the Basic Education System. Global Assessment 2008: Portuguese was reapplied by the Author to all the 23 students after arrangements with respective school coordinators. A questionnaire developed by the Author was e-mailed to and answered by the Department of Specialized Support for collecting data on policies and practices involving the attention for students with special needs, especially for students with Down´s syndrome. Finally, general data on the functioning of the Department of Specialized Support were obtained with the coordinators of that Public Kindergarten and Basic Education System and with de Direct Board of the Department of Specialized Support. Data were qualitatively analyzed since the main focus was the description and analysis of the complexity of the direct source of data collected in natural environment. Results have failed to point out qualitative differences among students with Down´s Syndrome regarding their reading and writing learning process, when analyzed by their school series, gender, age and intellectual level. Demands of these students are not sufficiently supported by the Department of Specialized Support.
síndrome de Down , aprendizagem , avaliação pedagógica , Down syndrome , learning , pedagogical assessment