Tradução e adaptação da bateria de avaliação de leitura e escrita (BALE) em hiragana
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Kuriyama, Carolina Tiharu
Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
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Capovilla, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
Mito, Tereza Iochico Hatae
Mito, Tereza Iochico Hatae
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
During the last decades the number of transcultural researches has been increasing. This growth created the need of developing worldwide assessment tools. Consequently, specific models for translation and adaptation have been created to standardize these procedures, such as International Tests Guidelines. The translation followed by specific steps, allow assessment of the same phenomenon, as literacy ability, in other cultures. Researches that use Literacy Assessment Test (BALE) have been showing efficacy in assessing literacy of Brazilian listeners and deaf students, so, it can be used as a diagnostic method of assessment for Brazilian children in Japan with literacy problems. The aim of the present work is to translate and culturally adapt BALE to hiragana. With this purpose the steps of the International Test Guidelines were followed. During the pilot project sixty Brazilian students from the first four initial grades in a public school in Japan were assessed. The children were assessed using the computerized versions of Silent Reading Competence Test of Word (TECOLESI), Sentence Reading Comprehension Test (TCSE) and Sentence Listening Comprehension Test (TCSF) in hiragana, the Non-Verbal Intelligence Test (TONI) and the Peabody Imaging Vocabulary Test (PPVT). The children were assessed in the classroom groups inside their school, the assessment took two sessions of one hour each. The results showed significance in the correlations for the three BALE tests in hiragana and the intelligence test and the vocabulary one. The hiragana versions of the TECOLESI and TCSE have shown similar patterns to Brazilian listeners and deaf, as well as German listeners. These results show evidence on the validity of BALE in hiragana and they made possible the development new version of the test.
tradução de teste , habilidade de leitura , crianças bilíngües , hiragana , test translation , literacy , bilingual children , hiragana
Assuntos Scopus
KURIYAMA, Carolina Tiharu. Tradução e adaptação da bateria de avaliação de leitura e escrita (BALE) em hiragana. 2008. 191 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.