Violência doméstica e desenvolvimento infantil: estudo exploratório sobre atitudes de profissionais de saúde em um hospital pediátrico
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Silva, Christiane Sanches
Becker, Elisabeth
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This study has an objective to describe and to understand the behavior of professionals in the health area towards the domestic violence situations with children and the importance of using the instruments to protect minors, such as the notification of authorities. To understand better the interconnections between domestic violence and child development, it was necessary to analyze the theme from the beginning of the cultural history path in the world until nowadays, through bibliography references. With the objective to reach an understanding of these professionals about this theme we used a group of problem situations concerning many different forms of domestic violence, and these situations were adapted by a pilot research. The study was done in a Children s Public Hospital in São Paulo City, with 27 professionals from different health departments, which attend in the infirmary and in the emergency room. The analysis of the information allowed observes the understanding and the behavior of these professionals facing the dynamic of the domestic violence phenomenon expressions. In order of an exploratory research, the data reveal how the health professionals faced this phenomenon on a daily basis, highlighting the search of interdisciplinary team resources to break down the relevant factor of the families silence conspiracy .
violência doméstica , desenvolvimento infantil , profissionais de saúde , hospital público infantil , complô do silêncio entre famílias , violence domestic , child development , children´s public hospital , health professionals and the families´silence conspiracy
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Christiane Sanches. Violência doméstica e desenvolvimento infantil: estudo exploratório sobre atitudes de profissionais de saúde em um hospital pediátrico. 2006. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.