Qualidade de vida de mães de pessoas com diagnóstico de autismo
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Gallo-Penna, Eliana Cristina
Brunoni, Decio
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Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
Moraes, César de
Moraes, César de
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a qualidade de vida de mães de pessoas com diagnóstico de autismo que freqüentam os serviços prestados por uma instituição especializada da cidade de Campinas-SP. O estudo prevê a participação de três grupos, o primeiro composto por 18 mães de pessoas com diagnóstico de autismo; o segundo formado
por 23 mães de pessoas com Síndrome de Down; e por último 23 mães de pessoas normais. Essas mães participam de serviços desenvolvidos por instituições de serviços educacionais. O instrumento utilizado para medir a qualidade de vida é o WHOQOL-breve, desenvolvido pela OMS, o próprio conceito de qualidade de vida advém da mesma organização. Para adequado controle das variáveis, bem como dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão de participantes da pesquisa, são usados os instrumentos Escala de nível sócio-econômico da ABEP; o ASQ, escala para detecção de sinais de autismo; a Escala de Vineland Doll para medir o nível de Quociente Social, todos instrumentos auto-aplicáveis. Pela necessidade de melhor detalhar o perfil sócio-demográfico do grupo caso é aplicado, após o WHOQOL-breve, a ficha de anamenese. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que a qualidade de vida das mães dos grupos pesquisados é boa, não havendo diferenças significativas entre os grupos. No grupo caso, mães de pessoas com autismo, os relatos feitos durante a aplicação da ficha de anamnese revelam algumas discrepâncias entre os resultados obtidos entre os instrumentos, mas que podem ser entendidas pela influência dos domínios ambiente e relações sociais, apontados como mais significativos neste grupo. Nos grupos controles o domínio ambiente permanece como significativo para a qualidade de vida, com diferença entre o domínio social para o
grupo de mães com filhos com Síndrome de Down; e domínio psicológico para o grupo de mães com filhos normais. De forma geral os instrumentos atendem aos objetivos da pesquisa, sendo os resultados satisfatórios para a análise da qualidade de vida.
This research has the aim of investigating the quality of life of mothers of people with a confirmed diagnosis of autism which attend a program offered by a specialized institution in Campinas SP. The study comprehends the participation of 3 groups of mothers; the first with 18 mothers of people with a confirmed diagnosis of autism; the second group has 23 mothers of people with Down Syndrome and the last one has 23 mothers of normal people. These mothers take part in services developed / offered by educational service institutions. The tool used to measure the quality of life is the WHOQOL short, developed by OMS, and the concept of quality of life comes from this organization. In order to achieve a proper control on the variables, as well as of the criteria for inclusion or exclusion of the participants in this research, it is also used the tools present in ABEP s socio economic level scale, the ASQ, the scale for detecting autism traits; the Vineland Doll scale to measure the social quotient level; all of these tools are self-applicable. Due to the need of producing further details on the sociodemographic profile of the study case group, the anamnesis chart is applied after the WHOQL short. The results indicate that the quality of life of the mothers of the groups researched is good, not presenting significant differences among them. In the case group of mothers of people with autism, reports made during the application of the anamnesis chart reveal some discrepancies between the results obtained in each instrument, but they can be understood in terms of the influence of the environment domain and social relation domain pointed as more meaningful in this group. In the control group the environment domain remains meaningful for quality of life, with difference between the social domain for group of mothers with children with Down Syndrome; the psychological domain for the group of mothers with normal children. In the whole, the tools attend to the objectives of the research. The results obtained are satisfactory for the analysis of quality of life.
This research has the aim of investigating the quality of life of mothers of people with a confirmed diagnosis of autism which attend a program offered by a specialized institution in Campinas SP. The study comprehends the participation of 3 groups of mothers; the first with 18 mothers of people with a confirmed diagnosis of autism; the second group has 23 mothers of people with Down Syndrome and the last one has 23 mothers of normal people. These mothers take part in services developed / offered by educational service institutions. The tool used to measure the quality of life is the WHOQOL short, developed by OMS, and the concept of quality of life comes from this organization. In order to achieve a proper control on the variables, as well as of the criteria for inclusion or exclusion of the participants in this research, it is also used the tools present in ABEP s socio economic level scale, the ASQ, the scale for detecting autism traits; the Vineland Doll scale to measure the social quotient level; all of these tools are self-applicable. Due to the need of producing further details on the sociodemographic profile of the study case group, the anamnesis chart is applied after the WHOQL short. The results indicate that the quality of life of the mothers of the groups researched is good, not presenting significant differences among them. In the case group of mothers of people with autism, reports made during the application of the anamnesis chart reveal some discrepancies between the results obtained in each instrument, but they can be understood in terms of the influence of the environment domain and social relation domain pointed as more meaningful in this group. In the control group the environment domain remains meaningful for quality of life, with difference between the social domain for group of mothers with children with Down Syndrome; the psychological domain for the group of mothers with normal children. In the whole, the tools attend to the objectives of the research. The results obtained are satisfactory for the analysis of quality of life.
qualidade de vida , autismo , família , quality of life , autism , family
Assuntos Scopus
GALLO-PENNA, Eliana Cristina. Qualidade de vida de mães de pessoas com diagnóstico de autismo. 2006. 194 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.