Comparação do nível intelectual de crianças abrigadas e não abrigadas

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Citações (Scopus)
Luccia, Mariana de
Fiamenghi Jr, Geraldo Antônio
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Membros da banca
Capovilla, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
Bariani, Isabel Cristina Dib
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
This research aimed to compare the intellectual level of institutionalized and non-institutionalized children. 20 children, aged 8 to 11 years old (9 female and 11 male), being 10 institutionalized and 10 living with their families were assessed, using Human Figure Drawing, Sisto Scale, who adapted the test selecting 30 items present in drawings, to assess children‟s intellectual development. Results showed lower percentiles in institutionalized children compared to those non-institutionalized, regardless of sex, that reveals the child's position in relation to development, that is, how much is still needed for the child to achieve expected levels for his/her age. (9,201; p≤ 0,008), (9,201; p≤ 0,008). From 20 children, all non-institutionalized rank over percentile 60; on the other hand, only 4 of the institutionalized ones are over percentile 60. As a conclusion, it may be noticed that there is a possible negative influence on institutionalization in the children's intellectual development, although those results could be altered if favorable environmental conditions were allowed for those children‟s development.
crianças abrigadas , nível intelectual , desenho da figura humana , sheltered children , intellectual level , human figure drawing
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