Impermeabilização em lajes de cobertura : análise da execução com sistema flexível de manta asfáltica
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Pinetti, Cinthia Cristina Hirata
Ramirez Vilató, Rolando
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar procedimentos para a execução de
impermeabilização em lajes de cobertura com sistema flexível de manta asfáltica. Afim de
expor a importância da impermeabilização à construção e à qualidade dos usuários, as
infiltrações são abordadas assim como as patologias consequentes do insucesso desta área da
construção civil. Na busca pela estanqueidade todo o processo impermeabilizante é
discriminado através de suas etapas. Os projetos são considerados como etapa imprescindível,
assim como os especialistas, a mão de obra e a fiscalização. Ainda para garantir o melhor
desempenho na aplicação do sistema flexível de manta asfáltica em lajes de cobertura o
processo é abordado desde o recebimento até fase final da obra com a proteção mecânica. A
metodologia consistiu em acompanhar três obras de impermeabilização e através do
referencial teórico analisar o processo impermeabilizante. Nas obras avaliadas foram
detectadas diferentes deficiências das quais poderiam ser prevenidas com o suporte de
projetos e memoriais descritivos e quantitativos.
This work aims to identify procedures for implementing waterproofing slabs coverage with flexible system of asphalt blanket. In order to expose the importance of sealing the building and the quality of users, the infiltrations are addressed as well as diseases resulting from the failure of this area of construction. In the search for waterproof sealing the entire process is discriminated through its stages. The projects are considered essential step, as well as experts, labor and supervision. Also to ensure the best performance in the implementation of flexible slabs of asphalt blanket coverage in the process is approached from the beginning to the final phase of the work with mechanical protection. The methodology consisted in following three works of sealing and through theoretical, analyze the waterproofing process. In the works assessed different deficiencies were detected which could be prevented with the support of projects and memorials descriptive and quantitative.
This work aims to identify procedures for implementing waterproofing slabs coverage with flexible system of asphalt blanket. In order to expose the importance of sealing the building and the quality of users, the infiltrations are addressed as well as diseases resulting from the failure of this area of construction. In the search for waterproof sealing the entire process is discriminated through its stages. The projects are considered essential step, as well as experts, labor and supervision. Also to ensure the best performance in the implementation of flexible slabs of asphalt blanket coverage in the process is approached from the beginning to the final phase of the work with mechanical protection. The methodology consisted in following three works of sealing and through theoretical, analyze the waterproofing process. In the works assessed different deficiencies were detected which could be prevented with the support of projects and memorials descriptive and quantitative.
Impermeabilização , Manta asfáltica , Lajes de cobertura