O uso do bambu na construção de habitações de interesse social
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Fonseca, Ana Paula da
Fortes, Rita Moura
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Nos últimos anos, o bambu vem sendo indicado como material alternativo adequado para ser
utilizado na construção de habitações de interesse social, em função do seu potencial de
reduzir custos e oferecer qualidade em função das tecnologias convencionais. Entretanto,
existe a necessidade de estudos mais detalhados sobre a sua utilização visando difundir suas
possibilidades de utilização, assim como suas limitações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar
habitações de interesse social, executada com a utilização do bambu em elementos de
cobertura e de painéis de vedação, através da comparação da análise técnica, diagnosticando
aspectos construtivos. A metodologia envolveu uma pesquisa bibliográfica que serviu de
referencia para a analise da execução das habitações em estudo, desde o projeto até a
construção da unidade. Observou-se que o bambu pode ser considerado uma alternativa viável
para a habitação de interesse social no Brasil. A maior parte dos pontos negativos detectados
diz respeito a problemas técnicos de projeto, que podem ser facilmente eliminados com
pequenas intervenções, mas para que os resultados sejam positivos, faz-se necessário a
capacitação dos envolvidos em relação a manutenção e cuidados pertinentes a este material.
In recent years, bamboo has been recommended as an alternative material suitable for use in the construction of social housing in terms of its potential to reduce costs and provide quality in terms of conventional technologies. However, there is a need for more detailed studies on its use in order to spread its usability, as well as its limitations. The objective of this study was to evaluate social housing, performed with the use of bamboo in elements of cover and fence panels, through the comparison of technical analysis, diagnosing constructive aspects. The methodology involved a literature review that served as a reference for analyzing the performance of housing in the study, from design to construction of the unit. It was observed that the bamboo can be considered a viable alternative to social housing in Brazil. Most negatives detected with respect to technical design, which can be easily eliminated with small interventions, but the results are positive, it is necessary to the training of stakeholders for the maintenance and care relevant to this material .
In recent years, bamboo has been recommended as an alternative material suitable for use in the construction of social housing in terms of its potential to reduce costs and provide quality in terms of conventional technologies. However, there is a need for more detailed studies on its use in order to spread its usability, as well as its limitations. The objective of this study was to evaluate social housing, performed with the use of bamboo in elements of cover and fence panels, through the comparison of technical analysis, diagnosing constructive aspects. The methodology involved a literature review that served as a reference for analyzing the performance of housing in the study, from design to construction of the unit. It was observed that the bamboo can be considered a viable alternative to social housing in Brazil. Most negatives detected with respect to technical design, which can be easily eliminated with small interventions, but the results are positive, it is necessary to the training of stakeholders for the maintenance and care relevant to this material .
Habitação de interesse social , Bambu , Sustentabilidade