Infiltrações em estruturas de concreto subterrâneas
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Cunha, Ana Lúcia Soares da
Fortes, Rita Moura
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O ambiente subterrâneo torna as estruturas de concreto mais suscetíveis à ação da
água, pois os ciclos de variações climáticas afetam as flutuações de nível do lençol
freático, e a exploração da água subterrânea também afeta o caminhamento da
água dos lençóis, assim o controle das infiltrações se torna mais difícil, fazendo-se
necessário o uso de métodos especiais para tratamento desta patologia. A água se
infiltra na estrutura por mecanismos de permeabilidade, facilitada pela porosidade do
concreto e pela propagação de microfissuras e interconexões entre elas. A infiltração
de água é a causa mais comum de deterioração de estruturas subterrâneas,
podendo ainda acarretar outras manifestações patológicas, como lixiviações,
ataques por sulfatos e cloretos, corrosão das armaduras, etc., afetando a
durabilidade da estrutura de concreto, que altera suas propriedades físicas e
químicas ao longo do tempo, em virtude das características dos seus componentes
e das respostas às agressões do meio ambiente. Existem diversas formas de
tratamento das infiltrações em estruturas subterrâneas, tais como injeções químicas
e aplicação de materiais cristalizantes, e a escolha do método mais adequado para o
tratamento deve levar em consideração fatores como o acesso à estrutura, os
fenômenos que podem ter mudado o ambiente, a fonte de água que pode ter
causado aumento da pressão contra a estrutura subterrânea e os materiais
adequados que responderão aos requisitos de desempenho da estrutura. São
exemplificados neste trabalho, casos de tratamento de infiltrações em estruturas de
concreto subterrâneas, com injeção de resinas para estancamento de infiltrações em
túneis e estações de Metrô de São Paulo. É importante o acompanhamento após os
tratamentos das infiltrações nas estruturas, com utilização de vistorias, registros
fotográficos, cadastramentos gráficos e demais ferramentas que possam dar
condições futuras de avaliação da eficácia do processo e controle da situação dos
pontos de infiltração.
The subterranean environment makes concrete structures more susceptible to the water action, so the cycles of climatic variations affect the groundwater level fluctuations, and the groundwater exploitation also affects the water way from groundwater, so the infiltration control becomes more difficult, it becomes necessary to use special methods to treat this pathology. The water seeps into the structure by permeability mechanisms, facilitated by the concrete porosity and the microcracks propagation and interconnections between them. Water infiltration is the most common deterioration cause of underground structures and may also lead to other pathologies, such as leaching, attack by sulfates and chlorides, reinforcement corrosion, etc.., Affecting the concrete structure durability, which modifies its physical and chemical properties over time, due to the characteristics of its components and the responses to environmental challenges. There are several ways of dealing with leaks in underground structures, such as chemical injections and materials crystallizing application, and choose the most appropriate method of treatment should take into consideration factors such as access to the structure, the phenomena that may have changed the environment, the water source that may have caused increased pressure against the subterranean structure and suitable materials that respond to the performance requirements of the structure. It is described in this paper, treatment of infiltrations cases examples in concrete structures underground, with resins injection for leaks stagnation in tunnels and subway stations in Sao Paulo. It is important the following after infiltration treatment structures, using surveys, photographs, graphics registrations and other tools that can provide future conditions to evaluate the process and control effectiveness situation of the infiltration points.
The subterranean environment makes concrete structures more susceptible to the water action, so the cycles of climatic variations affect the groundwater level fluctuations, and the groundwater exploitation also affects the water way from groundwater, so the infiltration control becomes more difficult, it becomes necessary to use special methods to treat this pathology. The water seeps into the structure by permeability mechanisms, facilitated by the concrete porosity and the microcracks propagation and interconnections between them. Water infiltration is the most common deterioration cause of underground structures and may also lead to other pathologies, such as leaching, attack by sulfates and chlorides, reinforcement corrosion, etc.., Affecting the concrete structure durability, which modifies its physical and chemical properties over time, due to the characteristics of its components and the responses to environmental challenges. There are several ways of dealing with leaks in underground structures, such as chemical injections and materials crystallizing application, and choose the most appropriate method of treatment should take into consideration factors such as access to the structure, the phenomena that may have changed the environment, the water source that may have caused increased pressure against the subterranean structure and suitable materials that respond to the performance requirements of the structure. It is described in this paper, treatment of infiltrations cases examples in concrete structures underground, with resins injection for leaks stagnation in tunnels and subway stations in Sao Paulo. It is important the following after infiltration treatment structures, using surveys, photographs, graphics registrations and other tools that can provide future conditions to evaluate the process and control effectiveness situation of the infiltration points.
Patologias do concreto , Estruturas subterrâneas , Infiltração