A fitoterapia como opção terapêutica complementar em pacientes oncológicos
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Schalch, Isabel Santi
Pincinato, Éder de Carvalho
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O câncer, como uma das doenças mais acometidas no mundo todo, tem como um de seus principais tratamentos a quimioterapia, que, por mais eficiente que seja, promove muitos efeitos adversos, sendo prejudiciais à saúde do paciente. Com isso, muitas pessoas procuram formas alternativas de tratamento para auxiliar a terapia, buscando assim, nas Práticas Integrativas e Complementares, o caminho da cura. A utilização das plantas medicinais é a prática mais procurada pela população, em decorrência disso faz-se, neste presente trabalho, uma seleção de referenciais teóricos que compreendam os conhecimentos dessa medicina.
Cancer, as one of the most affected diseases worldwide, has chemotherapy as one of its main treatments, which, efficient as it is, promotes many adverse effects and is harmful to the patients health. With this, many people look for alternative forms of treatment to help the therapy, thus seeking, in one of the Integrative and Complementary Practices, the healing path. The use of medicinal plants is the population most sought practice, as a result, in this present work, is made a selection of theoretical references that comprehend the knowledge of this medicine.
Cancer, as one of the most affected diseases worldwide, has chemotherapy as one of its main treatments, which, efficient as it is, promotes many adverse effects and is harmful to the patients health. With this, many people look for alternative forms of treatment to help the therapy, thus seeking, in one of the Integrative and Complementary Practices, the healing path. The use of medicinal plants is the population most sought practice, as a result, in this present work, is made a selection of theoretical references that comprehend the knowledge of this medicine.
câncer , quimioterapia , práticas integrativas e complementares , fitoterapia , tratamento fitoterápico , plantas medicinais , cancer , chemotherapy , integrative and complementary practices , phytotherapy , herbal treatment , medicinal plants