Doenças que sofrem o descaso da saúde pública e privada e o papel do farmacêutico
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Fahl, Mariana de Freitas
Barrinha, Fernanda Fernandes
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Atualmente, a elevada incidência de doenças como a Hepatite A, Febre Amarela, Doença de Chagas e as Leishmanioses que atingem a população de baixa renda do país, vem representando um crescente problema de saúde pública. Isso ocorre, pois, estas doenças não possuem investimento suficiente para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de medidas de prevenção eficazes, diagnósticos precoces e tratamentos específicos. O presente trabalho realizou uma revisão da literatura científica e teve como objetivo analisar o panorama atual que demonstra a reemergência destas doenças e identificar as justificativas para a falta de investimento por parte do setor público e privado, além de comprovar a importância do profissional farmacêutico na prevenção e cuidado destes pacientes. Conclui-se que embora estas doenças necessitem de maior investimento, o farmacêutico como profissional da saúde pode contribuir para a melhoria do estado de saúde e qualidade de vida das pessoas que estão vulneráveis ou que possuem estas doenças. Este deve reforçar a importância da prevenção primária, secundária e terciária e, além disso, orientar o paciente quanto ao uso correto e racional dos medicamentos, possíveis efeitos colaterais e, principalmente, sobre a importância da adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso.
Currently, the high incidence of diseases such as Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever, Chagas Disease and Leishmaniasis which affect the low income population has been a growing problem in public healthcare. These issues can be explained by the lack of investments for researches and development of effective prevention measures, early diagnosis and specific treatments. The current study carried out a review of the scientific literature and had the objective to analyze the current incidence status, which shows the reemergence of these diseases, and identify the causes for the lack of public and private investments, in addition, proving the importance of the pharmacist on prevention and care for his patients. It is concluded that although needing more investments, the pharmacist, as a health professional, can contribute on the improvement of health status and to enhance the quality of life of those more vulnerable or whom have these diseases. Reinforcing the importance of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, guiding the patient to the correct and rational use of medicaments, possible side effects and, above all, showing the importance of adherence to medical treatment.
Currently, the high incidence of diseases such as Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever, Chagas Disease and Leishmaniasis which affect the low income population has been a growing problem in public healthcare. These issues can be explained by the lack of investments for researches and development of effective prevention measures, early diagnosis and specific treatments. The current study carried out a review of the scientific literature and had the objective to analyze the current incidence status, which shows the reemergence of these diseases, and identify the causes for the lack of public and private investments, in addition, proving the importance of the pharmacist on prevention and care for his patients. It is concluded that although needing more investments, the pharmacist, as a health professional, can contribute on the improvement of health status and to enhance the quality of life of those more vulnerable or whom have these diseases. Reinforcing the importance of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, guiding the patient to the correct and rational use of medicaments, possible side effects and, above all, showing the importance of adherence to medical treatment.
Doença de Chagas , Leishmaniose , Hepatite A , Febre amarela , doenças , farmacêutico , Chagas disease , Leishmaniasis , Hepatitis A , Yellow fever , diseases , pharmaceutical