A cartelização no mercado varejista de combustíveis automotores brasileiros, sob a ótica do conselho administrativo de defesa econômica (CADE)
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Pereira, Lucas Bellini
Bagnoli, Vicente
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Esta monografia analisa o mercado varejista de combustíveis automotores brasileiro acerca de seus aspectos regulatórios e estruturais, sob a ótica do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), com o objetivo de identificar os principais elementos que o levam a ser o segmento com maior número de denúncias e investigações de cartel pelos órgãos de defesa da concorrência brasileiros. Nessa perspectiva, o início do trabalho examinará o histórico, estrutura e aspectos concorrências desse mercado, bem como sua regulamentação. Em seguida, abordará o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência e as averiguações do CADE a respeito do mercado de combustíveis brasileiro. Por fim, será analisada a natureza dos cartéis e sua formação nesse segmento de mercado, além da apreciação de jurisprudências de condenações realizadas pelo CADE. Dentre os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa, constatou-se que o mercado varejista de combustíveis automotores brasileiro possui características que facilitam a coordenação de agentes econômicos para a prática de condutas colusivas. Todavia, poucos processos administrativos chegam a condenar os agentes, em razão da necessidade e dificuldade de obtenção de provas diretas de acordos entre concorrentes. Além disso, verificou-se que sindicatos e sociedades associativas possuem atuação fundamental para a prática de cartéis nesse mercado, e a importância da participação de outros órgãos nas investigações, em busca de um sistema mais eficiente para a condenação dos membros dos cartéis.
This study analyzes the brazilian automotive fuel retail market about its regulatory and structural aspects, from the viewpoint of the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE), in order to identify the main elements that make it the segment with the largest number of complaints and investigations of cartel by the brazilian competition authorities. In this perspective, the beginning of this paper will examine the history, structure and competitive aspects of this market, as well as its regulations. Next, it will expose the brazilian antitrust system and CADE's inquiries regarding the brazilian fuel market. Finally, the nature of the cartels and their formation in this market segment will be analyzed, as well as the evaluation of convictions case laws carried out by CADE. Among the results obtained in this research, it was verified that the retail market of brazilian automotive fuels has characteristics that facilitate the coordination of economic agents for the practice of collusive conducts. However, few administrative processes come to condemn the agents, due to the necessity and difficulty to obtain direct evidence of agreements between competitors. In addition, it was found that unions and associative societies have a fundamental role in the practice of cartels in this market, and also that the participation of other entities in the investigations is significantly important in the search for a more efficient system for the condemnation of cartel members.
This study analyzes the brazilian automotive fuel retail market about its regulatory and structural aspects, from the viewpoint of the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE), in order to identify the main elements that make it the segment with the largest number of complaints and investigations of cartel by the brazilian competition authorities. In this perspective, the beginning of this paper will examine the history, structure and competitive aspects of this market, as well as its regulations. Next, it will expose the brazilian antitrust system and CADE's inquiries regarding the brazilian fuel market. Finally, the nature of the cartels and their formation in this market segment will be analyzed, as well as the evaluation of convictions case laws carried out by CADE. Among the results obtained in this research, it was verified that the retail market of brazilian automotive fuels has characteristics that facilitate the coordination of economic agents for the practice of collusive conducts. However, few administrative processes come to condemn the agents, due to the necessity and difficulty to obtain direct evidence of agreements between competitors. In addition, it was found that unions and associative societies have a fundamental role in the practice of cartels in this market, and also that the participation of other entities in the investigations is significantly important in the search for a more efficient system for the condemnation of cartel members.
cartel , CADE , ANP , combustíveis , concorrência , fuels , competition