A potencialidade das audiências de custódia como instrumento transformador da cultura do encarceramento em massa: uma análise a partir da implementação do instituto em âmbito nacional pela resolução nº 123cnj
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Phelippe, Juliana Oliveira
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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O presente trabalho realiza um estudo sobre as audiências de custódia à luz do fenômeno do encarceramento em massa experimentado pelo Brasil. Para tanto, o trabalho incialmente aborda a maneira pela qual as audiências de custódia foram introduzidas em nosso ordenamento jurídico, de modo a atender às disposições dos tratados de direitos humanos dos quais o país é signatário, além de expor os números relativos à nossa população prisional. Após, conciliando com a doutrina, jurisprudência e legislação sobre o tema, realizou-se um estudo sobre os primeiros resultados coletados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, bem como por outras organizações da sociedade civil, em que se verificou pontos positivos e falhas apresentadas pelo projeto até aqui. Consta, também, uma análise comparativa com as disposições sobre o tema previstas nos sistemas jurídicos de Chile e Argentina; países com realidades semelhantes às do Brasil, e que encontraram alternativas interessantes à implementação do instituto. Partindo dessa metodologia, a tese concluiu que a correta aplicação das audiências de custódia pode contribuir na reversão – ainda que não isoladamente – da cultura do encarceramento desenfreado que contamina o Poder Judiciário.
This tesis aims to develop a comparative study about the custody hearings and the massive incarceration phenomenon.The present research tried to bring out the main subjects about the brazilian experience, particularly when it comes to it’s impact on the prison system, also bringing the topics that still need to be developed. First, this study explores how the custody hearings were introduced in the brazilian legal system - especially to suit the human rights treaties that the country has signed – and the numbers of the national prison system. There is also an analysis about the legal doctrine, jurisprudence and legislation along with the first results that were released by the National Justice Council and some other organizations. Because of this work it was possible to understand the good and the bad aspects of the project. This also contains a comparative study with the legal systems of Chile and Argentina; coutries that are so similiar to Brazil that found out interesting ways to apply the institut. Based on the findings the conclusion is that the non-incarceration culture can be achieved with the best application of the custody hearings.
This tesis aims to develop a comparative study about the custody hearings and the massive incarceration phenomenon.The present research tried to bring out the main subjects about the brazilian experience, particularly when it comes to it’s impact on the prison system, also bringing the topics that still need to be developed. First, this study explores how the custody hearings were introduced in the brazilian legal system - especially to suit the human rights treaties that the country has signed – and the numbers of the national prison system. There is also an analysis about the legal doctrine, jurisprudence and legislation along with the first results that were released by the National Justice Council and some other organizations. Because of this work it was possible to understand the good and the bad aspects of the project. This also contains a comparative study with the legal systems of Chile and Argentina; coutries that are so similiar to Brazil that found out interesting ways to apply the institut. Based on the findings the conclusion is that the non-incarceration culture can be achieved with the best application of the custody hearings.
Trabalho recebeu Menção Honrosa referente ao Prêmio TCC 2018.
sistema penal , audiências de custódia , direitos humanos , desencarceramento , prison system , custody hearings , human rights , incarceration