Superbactérias e o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de resistência aos antimicrobianos
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Costa, Beatriz Sabbo
Sonehara, Ieda Yuriko
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As bactérias são microrganismos que fazem parte integral de nossas vidas, sendo
algumas espécies componentes da microbiota do corpo humano. As infecções
causadas por bactérias podem resultar em quadros severos, e até mesmo levar a
óbito. O tratamento dessas infecções é realizado através do uso de fármacos
antimicrobianos, que a cada dia estão se tornando menos eficientes no combate
aos mecanismos de resistência desenvolvidos por cepas bacterianas. Uma
bactéria é considerada resistente quando o agente antimicrobiano não é capaz de
inibir o crescimento do microrganismo ou matá-lo. A resistência bacteriana é um
problema da saúde pública mundial e é alvo de discussões ao redor do mundo.
Esta resistência apresenta valores alarmantes tanto em países de alta renda
quanto de baixa. Foram expostos 500.000 mil casos de resistência em 22 países,
sendo que dentre os principais microrganismos resistentes estão Escherichia
coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pneumoniae
e Salmonella spp. A síntese de novos fármacos ou o aperfeiçoamento de
moléculas já existentes é uma das formas de evitar o surgimento de novos
mecanismos de resistência e de combate aos já existentes. Tendo em vista o
contínuo crescimento do número de cepas multirresistentes, as autoridades devem
adotar ou até mesmo aumentar a fiscalização de algumas medidas já existentes;
assim, a fiscalização das farmácias e drogarias quanto à dispensação destes
medicamentos deve ser mais severa e frequente, a fim de garantir que estes
estabelecimentos só realizem a dispensação quando houver uma prescrição
médica. A criação de campanhas para conscientização da população quanto à
existência da resistência bacteriana e de como evitar a proliferação destes
microorganismos, além de campanhas que reforcem o uso correto dos antibióticos,
são formas de evitar a proliferação dessas cepas multirresistentes e o
desenvolvimento de novos mecanismos de resistência.
Bacteria are microorganisms which are an integral part of our lives, with some species being components of the human body's microbial flora. Infections caused by bacteria can result in severe conditions and even lead to death. The treatment of these infections is carried out through the use of antimicrobial drugs, which are becoming less efficient in overcoming resistance mechanisms developed by bacterial strains. A bacterium is considered resistant when the antimicrobial agent is not able to inhibit the growth of the microorganism or kill it. Bacterial resistance is a global public health problem and is the subject of discussions around the world. This resistance presents alarming figures in both high and low-income countries. 500,000 cases of resistance were reported in 22 countries, of which the main resistant microorganisms are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Salmonella spp. The synthesis of new drugs or the improvement of existing molecules are some of the ways to fight the emergence of new resistance mechanisms and to overcome the existing ones. Given the increase in the number of multiresistant strains, authorities should adopt or even increase the enforcement of existing preventative measures; as such, the supervision of pharmacies and drugstores regarding the dispensation of these drugs should be more severe and frequent, in order to ensure that these establishments only carry out the dispensing when there is a medical prescription. Running awareness campaigns about the existence of bacterial resistance and how to avoid the proliferation of these microorganisms, as well as campaigns that reinforce the correct use of antibiotics, are sine ways to avoid the proliferation of these multiresistant strains and the development of new mechanisms of resistance.
Bacteria are microorganisms which are an integral part of our lives, with some species being components of the human body's microbial flora. Infections caused by bacteria can result in severe conditions and even lead to death. The treatment of these infections is carried out through the use of antimicrobial drugs, which are becoming less efficient in overcoming resistance mechanisms developed by bacterial strains. A bacterium is considered resistant when the antimicrobial agent is not able to inhibit the growth of the microorganism or kill it. Bacterial resistance is a global public health problem and is the subject of discussions around the world. This resistance presents alarming figures in both high and low-income countries. 500,000 cases of resistance were reported in 22 countries, of which the main resistant microorganisms are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Salmonella spp. The synthesis of new drugs or the improvement of existing molecules are some of the ways to fight the emergence of new resistance mechanisms and to overcome the existing ones. Given the increase in the number of multiresistant strains, authorities should adopt or even increase the enforcement of existing preventative measures; as such, the supervision of pharmacies and drugstores regarding the dispensation of these drugs should be more severe and frequent, in order to ensure that these establishments only carry out the dispensing when there is a medical prescription. Running awareness campaigns about the existence of bacterial resistance and how to avoid the proliferation of these microorganisms, as well as campaigns that reinforce the correct use of antibiotics, are sine ways to avoid the proliferation of these multiresistant strains and the development of new mechanisms of resistance.
resistência bacteriana , bactérias , antimicrobianos , antibióticos , infecções microbianas , bacterial resistance , bacteria , antimicrobials , antibiotics , microbial infections