Entrelinhas sobre a escrita e apagamento da cidade
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Romitelli, André
Guatelli, Igor
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Este texto aborda questões envolvendo os limites da prática e do pensar arquitetônico e a dificuldade de trabalhar arquitetura em suas complexidades através de conceitos, distanciando-a da arte e aproximando à ciência do pensar filosófico. Analisando o urbanismo e a formação da cidade de São Paulo através da região do leito do Rio Tamanduateí, entendemos as matrizes de construção da cidade em busca da mobilidade e controle do estado sob os que a habitam. A partir desta conceituação podemos interpretar o espaço construído como um léxico, uma linguagem, destacando elementos semânticos da construção do espaço, atingindo o entendimento (in) conclusivo que a região do atual Parque Dom Pedro II tratase de um palimpsesto, um pergaminho rasurado, apagado e reescrito inúmeras vezes, que guarda vestígios deste léxico flexível, mutável e habitável. O trabalho aproxima-se de uma leitura histórica da região da Várzea do Carmo como sendo um objeto flexível e passível de releituras e resignificações.
This text addresses issues involving the limits of architectural practice and thinking, and the difficulty of working architecture within its complexities exploring concepts, distancing it from art and bringing it closer to a philosophical thinking. Analysing urban planning and the formation of the city of São Paulo using the Rio Tamanduateí bed region as foreground, we understand the construction matrixes of the city in search of mobility and State’s control under which the citizens inhabit the city. From this conceptualisation we can interpret the space constructed as a lexicon, a language, highlighting semantic elements of the construction of space, reaching the (in) conclusive understanding that the region of the present Parque Dom Pedro II, it is a palimpsest, a parchment shaved, erased and rewritten countless times, which keeps traces of this flexible, changeable and habitable lexicon. The work is close to a historical reading of the region of Várzea do Carmo as a flexible object and capable of re-readings and resignifications.
This text addresses issues involving the limits of architectural practice and thinking, and the difficulty of working architecture within its complexities exploring concepts, distancing it from art and bringing it closer to a philosophical thinking. Analysing urban planning and the formation of the city of São Paulo using the Rio Tamanduateí bed region as foreground, we understand the construction matrixes of the city in search of mobility and State’s control under which the citizens inhabit the city. From this conceptualisation we can interpret the space constructed as a lexicon, a language, highlighting semantic elements of the construction of space, reaching the (in) conclusive understanding that the region of the present Parque Dom Pedro II, it is a palimpsest, a parchment shaved, erased and rewritten countless times, which keeps traces of this flexible, changeable and habitable lexicon. The work is close to a historical reading of the region of Várzea do Carmo as a flexible object and capable of re-readings and resignifications.
arquitetura , linguagem , espaço