Estudo das influências e contribuições do guia PMBOK nas estruturas projetizadas
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Nishihara, Érica
Seki, Hélio Yasuki
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O Gerenciamento de Projetos tem sido bastante difundido pelo mundo nos últimos anos. Porém, comprovadamente, o número de projetos que atingem o total sucesso é bastante restrito, comparado aos que atingem sucesso parcial ou insucesso. Esse tipo de estatística passa a ser um problema tratando-se de estruturas projetizadas, visto que as mesmas possuem os projetos como sua principal base de negócios. Para minimizar os impactos negativos dos projetos, é imprescindível que o gerente de projetos tenha conhecimentos, habilidades e as técnicas necessárias, considerando que, muitas vezes, o sucesso do projeto está diretamente associado à escolha adequada do gerente de projetos. Outro fator importante é a adoção de boas práticas em gerenciamento de projetos. O Guia PMBOK tende a maximizar os aspectos positivos desse tipo de estrutura, podendo ainda potencializar ainda mais os resultados a partir da sua associação a uma metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos, como o PRINCE2, por exemplo, pois ambos são complementares. O Guia PMBOK também minimiza os aspectos negativos das estruturas projetizadas, auxiliando na prevenção e na correta abordagem gerencial das falhas identificadas, podendo ainda, ser complementado fazendo-se uso da Gestão do Conhecimento.
The Project Management has been widespread throughout the world in recent years. However, it has been proved that the number of projects that reach the total success is quite limited compared to that ones which got partial success or failure. This kind of statistics becomes a problem, when referring to projectized structures, once they have projects as main business. To minimize the negative impacts of the projects, it is essential that the project manager has the knowledge, skills and techniques needed, considering that, frequently, the project success is directly related to the choice of the project manager. Another important factor is the adoption of best practices in project management. The PMBOK Guide allows maximizing the positive aspects of this type of structure, and may also enhance for best results when associated with a project management methodology such as PRINCE2, for example, once both are complementary. The PMBOK Guide also reduces the negative aspects of projectized structures, contributing to the prevention and correct management approach of the failures identified, and even can possibly be complemented by making use of Knowledge Management.
The Project Management has been widespread throughout the world in recent years. However, it has been proved that the number of projects that reach the total success is quite limited compared to that ones which got partial success or failure. This kind of statistics becomes a problem, when referring to projectized structures, once they have projects as main business. To minimize the negative impacts of the projects, it is essential that the project manager has the knowledge, skills and techniques needed, considering that, frequently, the project success is directly related to the choice of the project manager. Another important factor is the adoption of best practices in project management. The PMBOK Guide allows maximizing the positive aspects of this type of structure, and may also enhance for best results when associated with a project management methodology such as PRINCE2, for example, once both are complementary. The PMBOK Guide also reduces the negative aspects of projectized structures, contributing to the prevention and correct management approach of the failures identified, and even can possibly be complemented by making use of Knowledge Management.
Gerenciamento de projetos , Estruturas projetizadas , Guia PMBOK , Benefícios