A ergonomia nos ambientes corporativos
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Ribeiro, Rafael Damiani
Guerra Junior, Paulo
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A ergonomia é um assunto de extrema importância nos dias de hoje, principalmente porque neste mundo cada vez mais globalizado e com crescentes empresas sendo fundadas ou expandidas, a demanda por áreas de trabalho corporativas nunca foi tão grande. Houve o tempo em que as empresas priorizavam apenas a produtividade sem levar em conta o fator humano, que era, é e sempre será o elemento mais importante dentro da estrutura de uma corporação. Os grandes centros comerciais e de negócios ao redor do mundo se consolidam cada vez mais. Para acompanhar esta evolução é trivial que questões de conforto ambiental e melhoria nos espaços de trabalho evoluam junto, criando sinergia entre segurança, qualidade e produtividade. É com base nesta aliança tripartite, também conhecida como sistema de gestão integrada, que se visualiza hoje ser a base estratégica de qualquer empresa em nosso tempo. Este trabalho mostra uma visão um tanto abrangente de como está se dando a aplicação das teorias ergonômicas no mundo empresarial.
Nowadays ergonomics is a major of main importance, specially because in this globalized world and with the increasing of established or expanded companies, the demand for corporative areas is bigger than ever. There was the time that the companies prior to the production, the human being were not the most important element in a company. The big commercial and business-oriented cities around the world are consolidating more and more. To follow this evolution it is trivial put the environment comfort and improvement of workspaces growing together, creating synergy between security, quality and productivity. With this three point-of-view basis known as Integrated Systems Management is the strategy basis of any company of our time. This work aims to show a quite vision of how the ergonomic theory in the business world is being applied.
Nowadays ergonomics is a major of main importance, specially because in this globalized world and with the increasing of established or expanded companies, the demand for corporative areas is bigger than ever. There was the time that the companies prior to the production, the human being were not the most important element in a company. The big commercial and business-oriented cities around the world are consolidating more and more. To follow this evolution it is trivial put the environment comfort and improvement of workspaces growing together, creating synergy between security, quality and productivity. With this three point-of-view basis known as Integrated Systems Management is the strategy basis of any company of our time. This work aims to show a quite vision of how the ergonomic theory in the business world is being applied.
Ergonomia , Conforto ambiental , Espaços corporativos , Doenças ocupacionais