A responsabilidade das partes na fase pré-contratural e os efeitos do descumprimento dos contratos preliminares
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Sartori, Vinicius Nogueira Barreto
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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A presente apresentação tem como escopo a análise das situações preliminares que antecedem
o contrato definitivo entre as partes. A doutrina revela que um contrato é o acordo pelo qual
duas ou mais partes alinham mutuamente os seus interesses, distintos ou não, regulamentandoos
de forma que a lei adapta em consequências jurídicas. Na vida corrente de uma pessoa, a
compra e venda é um contrato constante, isto é, sem dúvida, o contrato mais regulamentado e
aquele que reveste maior relevância prática, uma vez que toda a atividade econômica se cruza
por ela. No tocante à promessa, também tem extrema importância, na medida em que é um
contrato preliminar, ou seja, caracteriza-se especificamente por determinar uma obrigação de
contratar. Para a compreensão do tema, este trabalho inicia-se com o entendimento de contrato,
seus elementos, classificação e princípios para que se possa avançar à fundo, a partir destas
premissas, sobre a instrumentalização na fase anterior à formação do contrato propriamente
dito. Não obstante, fundamental discorrer sobre os efeitos decorrentes desta quebra de
“confiabilidade”, pois o abuso do direito subjetivo da autonomia da vontade gera danos à
confiança da contraparte, pelo rompimento das reais expectativas. Na sequência, verificar-se-á
a instrumentalização da vontade na fase pré-contratual, onde, no direito brasileiro, inexiste uma
previsão legal expressa a seu, por não se situar claramente na responsabilidade civil aquiliana
de um lado, e de outro, por ainda não existir um contrato concreto capaz de situar uma
responsabilidade civil contratual. Por fim, em consonância com a praticidade que a legislação
pátria permite-nos agir, a fim de entender o atual entendimento jurisprudencial do nosso sistema
jurídico sobre do tema, indaga-se se a responsabilidade civil, fundamentada, principalmente, no
dever de boa-fé, é capaz de amenizar os danos de confiança nas negociações preliminares.
The purpose of this presentation is to analyze the preliminary situations that precede the definitive contract between the parties. Doctrine reveals that a contract is the agreement whereby two or more parties mutually align their interests, distinct or otherwise, regulating them in such a way that the law adapts to legal consequences. In a person's current life, buying and selling is a constant contract, that is undoubtedly the most regulated contract and the one that has the most practical relevance, since all economic activity intersects with it. With regard to the promise, it is also extremely important as it is a preliminary contract, it is specifically characterized by determining an obligation to contract. For the understanding of the theme, this work begins with the understanding of the contract, its elements, classification and principles so that one can advance in depth, from these premises, on the instrumentalization in the phase prior to the formation of the contract itself. Nevertheless, it is essential to discuss the effects of this breach of “reliability”, since the abuse of the subjective right of autonomy of will generates damage to the counterparty's confidence, by breaking real expectations. Subsequently, there will be the instrumentalization of the will in the pre-contractual phase, where, in Brazilian law, there is no express legal determination to it, since it is not clearly located in the civil liability of Aquiliana on the one hand, and on the other, There is still no concrete contract capable of locating contractual civil liability. Finally, in line with the practicality that the country legislation allows us to act, in order to understand the current jurisprudential understanding of our legal system on the subject, it is asked whether civil liability, based mainly on the duty of good faith, can mitigate the damage of confidence in the preliminary negotiations.
The purpose of this presentation is to analyze the preliminary situations that precede the definitive contract between the parties. Doctrine reveals that a contract is the agreement whereby two or more parties mutually align their interests, distinct or otherwise, regulating them in such a way that the law adapts to legal consequences. In a person's current life, buying and selling is a constant contract, that is undoubtedly the most regulated contract and the one that has the most practical relevance, since all economic activity intersects with it. With regard to the promise, it is also extremely important as it is a preliminary contract, it is specifically characterized by determining an obligation to contract. For the understanding of the theme, this work begins with the understanding of the contract, its elements, classification and principles so that one can advance in depth, from these premises, on the instrumentalization in the phase prior to the formation of the contract itself. Nevertheless, it is essential to discuss the effects of this breach of “reliability”, since the abuse of the subjective right of autonomy of will generates damage to the counterparty's confidence, by breaking real expectations. Subsequently, there will be the instrumentalization of the will in the pre-contractual phase, where, in Brazilian law, there is no express legal determination to it, since it is not clearly located in the civil liability of Aquiliana on the one hand, and on the other, There is still no concrete contract capable of locating contractual civil liability. Finally, in line with the practicality that the country legislation allows us to act, in order to understand the current jurisprudential understanding of our legal system on the subject, it is asked whether civil liability, based mainly on the duty of good faith, can mitigate the damage of confidence in the preliminary negotiations.
contrato , promessa , negociações preliminares , boa-fé , lealdade , contract , promise , pre negociations , good faith , loyalty