O despertar do feminino: três mulheres e o sagrado
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Lorenzetti, Luiza Romagnollo
Davino, Gláucia
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como principal objetivo produzir um
documentário sobre como o Sagrado Feminino desperta uma nova consciência de
empoderamento nas mulheres. O processo de apuração foi lendo autoras do Sagrado
Feminino e também participando de vivências e rodas de conversa em círculos
femininos. O resultado é um documentário no qual três mulheres retratam suas
experiências e suas trajetórias no Sagrado Feminino.
The main objective of this present work was the development of a study on the Sacred Feminine as a new consciousness of empowerment in women. The research process was by reading femile authors about the Sacred Feminine and also my participation in experiences and conversational wheels in women's circles. The result is a documentary which three women portray their experiences and their trajectories in the Sacred Feminine.
The main objective of this present work was the development of a study on the Sacred Feminine as a new consciousness of empowerment in women. The research process was by reading femile authors about the Sacred Feminine and also my participation in experiences and conversational wheels in women's circles. The result is a documentary which three women portray their experiences and their trajectories in the Sacred Feminine.
Acesso online;
sagrado feminino , feminismo , empoderamento feminino , documentário , sacred feminine , feminism , women empowerment , documentary