A influência e os impactos da tecnologia nas relações de trabalho: uma análise à luz da legislação trabalhista e dos direitos fundamentais do trabalhador
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Silva, Ingrid Maia Froes Coimbra da
Moraes, Carlos Eduardo Guerra de
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A rápida evolução tecnológica redefiniu as relações trabalhistas, abrindo portas para novas modalidades de trabalho e criando desafios. Enquanto a automação gera receios de desemprego em massa, a legislação atual, por sua vez, não acompanha o ritmo das novas formas de trabalho, como no caso do trabalho em plataformas digitais, que muitas vezes são precários e sem garantias laborais. Nesse contexto de digitalizaço, o teletrabalho, apesar de oferecer flexibilidade e favorecer a melhora na qualidade de vida, apresenta desafios como o isolamento social, a dificuldade em separar vida pessoal do trabalho e os riscos a saúde ocupacional. No Brasil, a regulamentação do teletrabalho ainda está em desenvolvimento e precisa ser aprimorada, especialmente para trabalhadores que prestam serviços para empresas estrangeiras. A preservação dos direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores também é ponto de preocupação na era digital. Nesse sentido, o ambiente de trabalho virtual exige atenção especial a privacidade, ao controle de jornada e ao direito a desconexão, pois o uso irresponsável e em excesso da tecnologia no trabalho pode levar a abusos e a dissolução dos limites entre a vida pessoal e a profissional.
The rapid pace of technological advancement has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of the labor market, ushering in new forms of work, while presenting a host of challenges. From one side, automation on the work process leads to fears of mass unemployment. On the other side, current legislation clearly does not keep pace with the new forms of work arrangements, such as those found in the realm of digital platforms, which are often precarious and lack employment rights and guarantees. In this digital era, the pandemic proved that working from home was possible in several industries, offering flexibility and improving quality of life, but also presenting challenges such as social isolation and difficulty in separating personal life from work. In Brazil, the regulatory framework of the remote work modality is still under development and needs to be improved, especially for workers providing services to foreign companies. Preserving the fundamental rights of workers is also a point of concern in the digital age. In this sense, the digital work environment requires special attention to privacy, time tracking, and the right to disconnect, as irresponsible and excessive use of technology at work can lead to abuses and the blurring of boundaries between personal and professional life.
The rapid pace of technological advancement has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of the labor market, ushering in new forms of work, while presenting a host of challenges. From one side, automation on the work process leads to fears of mass unemployment. On the other side, current legislation clearly does not keep pace with the new forms of work arrangements, such as those found in the realm of digital platforms, which are often precarious and lack employment rights and guarantees. In this digital era, the pandemic proved that working from home was possible in several industries, offering flexibility and improving quality of life, but also presenting challenges such as social isolation and difficulty in separating personal life from work. In Brazil, the regulatory framework of the remote work modality is still under development and needs to be improved, especially for workers providing services to foreign companies. Preserving the fundamental rights of workers is also a point of concern in the digital age. In this sense, the digital work environment requires special attention to privacy, time tracking, and the right to disconnect, as irresponsible and excessive use of technology at work can lead to abuses and the blurring of boundaries between personal and professional life.
revolução digital , teletrabalho , reforma trabalhista , estado social , digital revolution , remote work , labor reform , welfare state