Análise do desempenho dos cabos irradiantes para a transmissão wireless de Internet
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Bittencourt, Andrelina Moraes
Matile, Ivanilda
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A Internet se tornou uma ferramenta muito importante para sociedade. A cada dia, mais pessoas estão se conectando para poder executar as suas atividades cotidianas, como transações bancárias e correspondência eletrônica (e-mail). As pessoas buscam por informações de vários tipos, fazem compras de forma muito mais simples e rápida. Ao aumentar o nível de inclusão digital é preciso utilizar todas as ferramentas tecnológicas possíveis Neste trabalho foi mostrada a tecnologia dos cabos irradiantes para ambientes indoor, onde os sinais wireless não conseguem chegar. O cabo irradiante é um cabo coaxial com aberturas no condutor externo que possibilitam a entrada e saídas de potência de rádio frequência, com alta qualidade de dielétrico. Foram feitas medições de nível de sinal com o cabo instalado e com uma antena padrão do roteador. Os resultados demonstraram que para o tipo de ambiente do estudo (grande área aberta) o desempenho do cabo irradiante superou, com grande vantagem, o desempenho das antenas convencionais dos roteadores wireless.
The Internet has become a very important tool for society. Every day, more people are connecting to be able to perform their daily activities, such as banking and electronic mail (e-mail). People seek information of various kinds, shopping so much easier and faster. By increasing the level of digital inclusion is necessary to use all the technological tools possible this work was shown the technology of radiating cables for indoor environments where wireless signals can not reach. The radiating cable is a coaxial cable with the outer conductor openings that allow the input and output power radio frequency, with high quality dielectric. Level measurements were made with the cable signal with an antenna installed and default router. The results showed that for the type of study environment (large open area) the performance of the radiating cable topped with great advantage, the performance of conventional antennas of the wireless routers.
The Internet has become a very important tool for society. Every day, more people are connecting to be able to perform their daily activities, such as banking and electronic mail (e-mail). People seek information of various kinds, shopping so much easier and faster. By increasing the level of digital inclusion is necessary to use all the technological tools possible this work was shown the technology of radiating cables for indoor environments where wireless signals can not reach. The radiating cable is a coaxial cable with the outer conductor openings that allow the input and output power radio frequency, with high quality dielectric. Level measurements were made with the cable signal with an antenna installed and default router. The results showed that for the type of study environment (large open area) the performance of the radiating cable topped with great advantage, the performance of conventional antennas of the wireless routers.
Cabo irradiante , Antena , Internet , Rádio frequência