Marketing digital : principais estratégias de abordagem utilizadas para conquistar um cliente
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Albernaz, Paulo Henrique
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Devido à expansão do número de usuários conectados à internet, nos últimos tempos, bem como o número de transações comerciais realizadas por meio da grande rede mundial, houve a necessidade de se criar mecanismos criativos e capazes de atrair clientes no ambiente virtual de uma empresa. O presente documento consiste em uma análise a respeito do marketing da nova era, na qual estão expostos seus principais conceitos, tanto o convencional quanto o digital, em uma ordem cronológica desde seu surgimento. Além disso, demonstram-se, por meio de pesquisas realizadas em publicações convencionais e documentos eletrônicos, mudanças de comportamento das empresas e do próprio consumidor, ocasionadas pela expansão do comércio eletrônico e o surgimento das novas mídias sociais. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é mostrar as novas formas de abordagem utilizadas na internet e de que maneira elas podem auxiliar empresas, no que diz respeito ao planejamento estratégico do marketing digital.
The number of users that connect to the Internet has grown, in the recent times, as well as the number of business transactions at the World Wide Web. Therefore, it has been necessary to create mechanisms creative and able to attract customers to the virtual ambience of a company. This document consists of an analysis regarding the marketing conception of new era, exposing the basic concepts, conventional and digital, in a chronological order since its inception. Furthermore, demonstrate with conventional researches and electronic documents, changes in behavior of companies and consumers, caused by the expansion of electronic commerce and the new social media. The main objective of this work is showing the new approaches used on the Internet and demonstrating how they can assist companies with regard to strategic planning of digital marketing.
The number of users that connect to the Internet has grown, in the recent times, as well as the number of business transactions at the World Wide Web. Therefore, it has been necessary to create mechanisms creative and able to attract customers to the virtual ambience of a company. This document consists of an analysis regarding the marketing conception of new era, exposing the basic concepts, conventional and digital, in a chronological order since its inception. Furthermore, demonstrate with conventional researches and electronic documents, changes in behavior of companies and consumers, caused by the expansion of electronic commerce and the new social media. The main objective of this work is showing the new approaches used on the Internet and demonstrating how they can assist companies with regard to strategic planning of digital marketing.
Marketing digital , Internet , Comércio eletrônico , Novas mídias