Andarilhar e perceber a cidade com crianças da educação infantil: cortejo, arte e mediação cultural

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Silva, Dilma Ângela da
Martins , Mirian Celeste Ferreira Dias
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Ambrogi, Ingrid Hotte
Gobbi, Marcia Aparecida
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This study aims to analyze the relationships between children and the city, mediated by the school through the practices of walking - parades as a possibility of aesthetic, artistic, educational and collective experience that goes beyond the school walls and that allow children to redefine their views of the city and the culture. The research is based, therefore, on the hypothesis that the city has an educational potential and the school can be a cultural reference where both spaces are powerful centers for cultural mediation. The objective is to identify and analyze what are the perceptions created in children while walking and exploring the city. Thus, we intend to map the practices of parades carried out by three kindergarten schools in the central region of the city of São Paulo and analyze these practices and the concepts that underlie them. In addition, we have observed the planning of the proposals for a parade and reflected on the mediating actions as promoters of powerful experiences beyond the walls of the school. We use the cartography method because it allows us to follow the processes of subjectivity, so we utilize the method of participant observation to follow the children’s experiences. In relation to the educators, we used the “interview in the cartography”, and the artography method, which is based on art, to integrate the knowledge between artist, educator, and researcher. Drawings, photos, texts, and field diaries created during the research proved to be important tools of analysis, in addition to the photo-essay that allowed us to think of the images beyond a simple illustration, but rather as visual text and that permeates all the research and reveals to us all wealth of children’s productions and perceptions for the city. Thus, our discovery process revealed that the walking parades are practices that allow the appropriation of city spaces because of their use value for the children, in addition to revealing themselves as aesthetic experiences as well, performed as a process of socio-cultural mediation, discovery and exploration of the signs of the city that can expand the perception and understanding of the world of boys and girls.
infância , cidade , território educativo , mediação cultural , cortejos caminhadas
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Dilma Ângela da. Andarilhar e perceber a cidade com crianças da educação infantil: cortejo, arte e mediação cultural. 2020. 148 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.