Carpe Diem: rituais cotidianos no Satyricon - Petrônio e Fellini

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Silva, Neemias Oliveira da
Feijó, Martin Cezar
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Tiburi, Marcia Angelita
Entler, Ronaldo
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This study aims to map out a discussion about the daily ritual inserted on the filmic work Satyricon of Federico Felini. This work includes the ritual, in latin "ritualis", as a set of practices of man, replete of symbolic values which have been recreated and incorporated by the film industry. Therefore the analysis of filmic work will be based on Satyricon of Petronius literary work which was written in the first century AD. The bridge to understand two separate worlds, the contemporary and the classic, is the focus on director and producer of movie: Federico Fellini. The popular festivals, the dance, the mysticism, the religion are human expressions that are used for mediation in cultural traditions of a particular social group and that began to integrate itself in the film language. From this perspective, we try to map the daily rituals and representations of individuals which are include on own time and space. In this way, the methodology used to analyse the movie and literary work will be based in the reading of the bibliographic material. Through of the analysis of the filmic work Satyricon of Federico Fellini, we will examine how far the Epicuru's philosophy of Carpe Diem is inserted in daily rituals and how the film industry uses the ceremonial language.
Satyricon , Federico Fellini , cinema , história , literatura , ritual , símbolo , Satyricon , Federico Fellini , movies , history , literature , ritual , simbol
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