O uso da gamificação para o aumento da produtividade : Um experimento em uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software
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Fraga, Rodrigo Pereira
Perez, Gilberto
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Membros da banca
Popadiuk, Silvio
Albertin, Luiz Alberto
Albertin, Luiz Alberto
Administração de Empresas
This research aims to verify the causality relationship between gamification and productivity in the context of software development. In order to achieve this, the two concepts were studied in the definition of seminal authors, who were confronted with more recent works in the search for a consistent definition of productivity and to find elements of gamification that could produce productivity at work. It was then hypothesized that gamification can significantly increase productivity (H1), as well as the hypothesis that certain profiles of professionals may have different reactions to gamification (H2). To verify these hypotheses, an experiment was carried out in a software development company during 149 days, in the first half of 2017, with 6 groups of professionals being compared speed and quality data (partial productivity) before and after applying a gamification focused on productivity, generating a total of 530 records collected. As a result, in four out of six groups (66.6%) a significant increase in productivity was observed, confirming the H1 hypothesis. Regarding the hypothesis H2, it was possible to verify the presence of profiles propitious to be gamified classified as "Achievers" and "Players".
gamificação , produtividade , desenvolvimento de software
Assuntos Scopus
FRAGA, Rodrigo Pereira. O uso da gamificação para o aumento da produtividade : Um experimento em uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software. 2017. 85 f. Dissertação (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.