Aprendizagem transformadora e social entre indivíduos que exercem atividades voluntárias
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Viana, Vanêssa Andréa
Godoy, Arilda Schmidt
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Membros da banca
Bido, Diógenes de Souza
Rodrigues, Andrea Leite
Brunstein, Janette
Oliva, Eduardo de Camargo
Rodrigues, Andrea Leite
Brunstein, Janette
Oliva, Eduardo de Camargo
Administração de Empresas
The aim of this study was to understand the individual and social learning process happening between subjects participating in a social programme called Doutores Cidadãos, organized by the non profit organization Canto Cidadão. Moreover, it was meant to identify, analyse and describe what and how those subjects learn and how they apply those learning experiences in their personal and work life, based on the following question: What and how the volunteers learn individually and collectively when applying their volunteering activities? Therefore, it was designed three specific objectives: the first one was to identify, describe and analyse the individual learning processes this group of volunteers apply so as to develop their volunteer activities. The second one was to describe and analyse the social interactions role inside the environment where the volunteer activities happen, as well as their impact in the development of the learning process. The third and last one was to identify, describe and analyse what those volunteers apply regarding the volunteering experience learning in their formal and informal activities at work. It was carried out a basic or general qualitative study in the interpretational paradigm. The data were collected from the testimonial of 15 volunteer subjects participants in the project through semi structured interview, and analysed based on the template analysis proposed by Nigel King. We were based on the fact that the learning process must be looked at according to a social focus, and not as mere individual phenomena. On the other hand, it happens from human actions and interactions. The results analysis goes back to the social learning theory of Bente Elkjaer and the transformative learning theory of Jack Mezirow, and the focus was on the individual and collective learning. The results show that the volunteering experience was responsible for the transformative learning experiences the subjects have faced, through changes in the personal reference charts. It was also stated informal and social learning processes, indicating a relationship between being a volunteer and acquiring new learning experiences.
aprendizagem transformadora , teoria da aprendizagem social , aprendizagem do indivíduo , aprendizagem informal , voluntariado , transformative learning , social learning theory , subject learning , informal learning , volunteering
Assuntos Scopus
VIANA, Vanêssa Andréa. Aprendizagem transformadora e social entre indivíduos que exercem atividades voluntárias. 2013. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.