Gerenciamento dos riscos na implementação e manutenção em um sistema de comunicação e arquivamento de imagens : estudo de uma situação simulada
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Ardúz, Julio Cristian Velasco
Sapiro, Arão
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O gerenciamento dos riscos na implementação e manutenção em um sistema
de comunicação e arquivamento de imagens de um projeto de PACS, é um conjunto
de eventos que ocorre antes, durante e depois do projeto, influenciando
positivamente ou negativamente o objetivo do projeto. O objetivo deste trabalho é
analisar riscos da substituição das imagens impressas em filmes pela
implementação de um sistema digital de imagens aprimorando o tempo de resposta
dos exames e laudos. Os objetivos específicos são planejar e monitorar os principais
riscos tais como perda de imagens, estudar os métodos de analise de riscos,
identificar e mensurar os riscos baseando-se no método CMU/SEI-93-TR-24,
desenvolver uma matriz de respostas para mitigar os riscos e desenvolver melhores
praticas para datacenters médicos segundo norma ISO17799. A metodologia
descrita neste trabalho será baseada no PMI que se inicia primeiramente com a
identificação dos riscos, dividindo em três níveis, antes da implementação, durante a
implementação e depois da implementação com a ajuda do diagrama de Causa e
Efeito. A partir deste diagrama são levantadas as principais vulnerabilidades
associadas com seus respectivos requisitos específicos. O uso de metodologias e
métricas é fundamental para a aproximação de áreas, propiciando uma melhor
integração entre os setores. Com a gestão dos riscos em uma implementação do
projeto de PACS o principal resultado obtido, é a diminuição considerada nos custos
de filmes impressos e/ou imagens impressas em papel, diminuição de erros
médicos, aumento na quantidade de estudos, entre outros. O sucesso na
implementação de um projeto PACS, é um projeto desafiador porque nem todas as
situações de riscos ou problemas podem ser antecipadas. Mas através de cuidadoso
planejamento, juntamente com a atenção a todas as questões fora e dentro da
instituição, um projeto de PACS pode se tornar altamente compensador.
Risk management in implementation and maintaining system of communication and archiving images from a PACS project is a set of events that happen before, during and after the project, influencing positively or negatively the projects goals. The objective of this study is to analyze the main risks of replacement of images printed on films by implementing a digital imaging system improving the response time of examinations and reports. The specific objectives are to plan and monitor key risks such as loss of images, studying the methods of risk analysis, identify and measure risks based on the method CMU/SEI-93-TR-24, develop a matrix responses to mitigate risks and develop best practices for hospitals datacenters according to standard ISO17799. The methodology described in this works is based on PMI, where begins first with the identification of risks, split over three levels, before the implementation, during the implementation and after implementation with the help of Cause and Effect diagram. From this diagram were raised the main vulnerabilities associated with their specific requirements. The use of methodologies and metrics is critical to approach areas, providing better integration between the sectors. With risk management in an implementation of the PACS projects, the main result would be considered a reduction in the costs of printed films and / or images on paper, reduction of medical errors, increase in number of studies. The success of an implementation PACS project is a challenging project, because not all risk situations or problems can be anticipated. But through careful planning, with attention to all matters inside and outside the institution, a project of PACS can be highly rewarding.
Risk management in implementation and maintaining system of communication and archiving images from a PACS project is a set of events that happen before, during and after the project, influencing positively or negatively the projects goals. The objective of this study is to analyze the main risks of replacement of images printed on films by implementing a digital imaging system improving the response time of examinations and reports. The specific objectives are to plan and monitor key risks such as loss of images, studying the methods of risk analysis, identify and measure risks based on the method CMU/SEI-93-TR-24, develop a matrix responses to mitigate risks and develop best practices for hospitals datacenters according to standard ISO17799. The methodology described in this works is based on PMI, where begins first with the identification of risks, split over three levels, before the implementation, during the implementation and after implementation with the help of Cause and Effect diagram. From this diagram were raised the main vulnerabilities associated with their specific requirements. The use of methodologies and metrics is critical to approach areas, providing better integration between the sectors. With risk management in an implementation of the PACS projects, the main result would be considered a reduction in the costs of printed films and / or images on paper, reduction of medical errors, increase in number of studies. The success of an implementation PACS project is a challenging project, because not all risk situations or problems can be anticipated. But through careful planning, with attention to all matters inside and outside the institution, a project of PACS can be highly rewarding.
Gestão de projetos , Project Management International (PMI) , Arquivo de imagem