As capabilidades operacionais como fator mediador da relação entre a colaboração e o desempenho nas cadeias de suprimentos

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Domenek, Antonio Carlos
Moori, Roberto Giro
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Membros da banca
Bido, Diógenes de Souza
Figueiredo, Kleber Fossati
Zilber, Moises Ari
Pires, Silvio Roberto Ignácio
Administração de Empresas
In face of global challenges, companies seek supply chain collaboration as a way to improve their operational capabilities and obtain a higher operational performance. The objective of this study was to verify the mediation of operational capabilities in the relationship between supply chain collaboration and operational performance of capital goods companies installed in Brazil. This research was divided into three phases. In the first phase, a bibliometric analysis was carried out in the main articles related to supply chain collaboration, operational capabilities and operational performance in order to verify the different approaches of the authors on these topics. Based on the bibliometric analysis, questionnaires were elaborated for the next phase of the research. In the exploratory research, it was carried out ten interviews with coordinators, managers and directors from multinational companies of this sector, with subsequent analysis of content in order to evaluate the theoretical model and the constructs relationship, deepening knowledge from the point of view of the participating companies. Also in this phase, a closed questions survey was conducted in order to identify possible gaps unidentified on the spontaneous interview. In the third and final phase, a descriptive research was made using a data collection instrument constructed from the theoretical framework and the results of the two previous phases, with the return of 138 questionnaires. In this phase, descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and modeling of structural equations for data treatment were used. The results of descriptive statistics showed the current stage of information sharing, resource sharing and common objectives as components of collaboration in this supply chain. The hypothesis tests showed that there is a positive relationship between supply chain collaboration and operational performance (direct relationship between the constructs), between supply chain collaboration and operational capabilities and between operational capabilities and operational performance. The results also showed operational capabilities as a mediating factor in the relationship between collaboration in the supply chain and operational performance. Thus, the managers must understand these relationships to achieve better results, which necessarily needs the development and enhancement of supply chain collaboration with their main suppliers, and the understanding of the organization's operational capabilities. Finally, it suggests the continuation of this research with the expansion of the sample size, the survey replication in other sectors, new studies about the correlation between the suppliers operational capabilities and operational capabilities of purchasing companies, the verification in Brazilian companies if the operational capabilities are cumulative, complementary or exclusive and the inclusion of other elements of collaboration, such as decision synchronization, incentive alignment and joint knowledge creation in the supply chain.
cadeia de suprimentos , colaboração , capabilidades operacionais , desempenho operacional
Assuntos Scopus
DOMENEK, Antonio Carlos. As capabilidades operacionais como fator mediador da relação entre a colaboração e o desempenho nas cadeias de suprimentos. 2016. 382 f. Tese (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.