Avaliação de funções executivas, linguagem oral e escrita em pré-escolares
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Pazeto, Talita de Cassia Batista
Capovilla, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
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Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo
Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The cognitive assessment of children at preschool age is important because it helps to see how they are developing skills related to learning and school experience. It also contributes to the early detection of potential problems and assist in planning interventions and public policy. In this context, this study addressed three skills directly related to school learning: executive functions, verbal language and written language. Executive functions related to the implementation of long-term goals, with a selection of information, planning and execution of actions. Oral language refers to the use and understanding of speech and enables communication. Reading and writing include several skills, from knowledge of letters and sounds to the reading and writing of complex items. The aim of this study was to evaluate these three skills in preschool children to see if they increase with the progression of grade and are correlated. 90 children participated, of both sexes, aged between 4 and 6 years, the Kindergarten series I and II of a private school in São Paulo. The instruments used for the assessment of executive functions were computerized Stroop Test for preschoolers, Test Track for preschoolers and Attention Test for Cancellation. Oral language was assessed using the Phonological Awareness Test for Oral production (PCFO) Test Peabody Picture Vocabulary (PPVT), Naming Test and Test of Infant Figures Repeating words and pseudo words. Written language was assessed by recognition of letters (vowels and consonants) and their sounds, writing the name and test of reading and writing. Student's t test revealed serial effect on at least one measure of all tests, showing better performance Kindergarten II. There were no effects of base or top, suggesting adequacy of instruments for grades assessed. There were several significant correlations, especially between tests of the same ability, but also among the three skills. In oral language tests there were significant correlations between all measures, the same happened in relation to tests of reading and writing. Interestingly, reading and writing had higher correlations with sound recognition than with recognition of letters, reinforcing the importance of this skill for literacy. Regarding executive functions and other skills, no correlations were high, but there were several significant correlations, suggesting that executive functions are related to oral and written language, although modest. In correlation analyzes between oral and written language, it was observed that the phonological awareness score was correlated with very high scores in writing and with high scores in reading and recognition of sounds, suggesting that a good performance in reading and writing has strong regarding the ability to recognize the sounds of letters and phonological awareness. Therefore, this research corroborated the theoretical effect of series on the skills assessed, as revealed correlations between skills.
avaliação , pré-escolares , funções executivas , linguagem oral , linguagem escrita , assessment , preschoolers , executive functions , oral language , written language
Assuntos Scopus
PAZETO, Talita de Cassia Batista. Assessment of executive functions, language and learning in preschoolers. 2012. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.