Formas farmacêuticas de administração oral para pacientes geriátricos com problemas na deglutição
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Domingo, Heloisa Detogni
Guimarães, Marcelo
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O presente trabalho aborda a situação de pacientes idosos com dificuldades
no processo de deglutição, com foco, principalmente, nas formas farmacêuticas
utilizadas para a administração de medicamentos por via oral.
Isto porque, como se sabe, o envelhecimento causa diversas mudanças
fisiológicas que podem, por sua vez, influenciar diretamente na escolha da forma
farmacêutica mais adequada para estes pacientes. Atualmente, existem inúmeras
formas de fabricação do medicamento e, muitas vezes, há dificuldades na escolha
da mais adequada melhorar a eficácia na administração para esses pacientes.
Outras mudanças causadas pelo envelhecimento que também têm grande
importância são o aumento do número de medicamentos administrados em conjunto
e do uso irracional destes, sendo que estes fatores podem trazer riscos à saúde do
paciente que, muitas vezes, não possui as informações necessárias sobre o uso
correto dos medicamentos, as interações entre eles e seus efeitos adversos. Sendo
assim, há grande necessidade de um acompanhamento feito por um farmacêutico
durante os tratamentos desses pacientes, disponibilizando as devidas informações
sobre os medicamentos administrados.
Além dos farmacêuticos, outros profissionais da saúde tem um importante
papel no acompanhamento dos pacientes como na administração de medicamentos,
diagnósticos de doenças e prescrições corretas. Porém ainda há falta de
investimentos na qualificação desses profissionais, vendo que ainda possuem
dificuldades na identificação dos sinais e sintomas da disfagia, acarretando no erro
de diagnóstico e, consequentemente, no erro da escolha da forma farmacêutica e da
prescrição adequada.
The present study addresses the situation of elderly patients with difficulties in the swallowing process, focusing mainly on the pharmaceutical forms used for the administration of oral medications. This is because, as is well known, aging causes several physiological changes that may directly influence the choice of the most suitable pharmaceutical form for these patients. Currently, there are various forms of drug manufacture and it may often encounter difficulties choosing the most appropriate and effectiveness for these patients. Other changes caused by aging, are the increase in the number of drugs administered at the same time and the irrational use, and these factors can pose risks to the patient's health, which often are not aware of the risks of taken those medicines, as well as the interactions between them and their adverse effects. Therefore, there is a great need for a follow-up done by the health professionals during the treatments, que which must to provide all the necessary information in order to prevent possible side effects. Also, other health professionals have an important role in the follow-up of patients, such as drug administration, disease diagnoses and correct prescriptions. However, there is still a lack of investment in the qualification of these professionals, which still have difficulties in identifying the signs and symptoms of dysphagia, resulting in wrong diagnosis and incorrect choices about the pharmaceutical form and the appropriate prescription.
The present study addresses the situation of elderly patients with difficulties in the swallowing process, focusing mainly on the pharmaceutical forms used for the administration of oral medications. This is because, as is well known, aging causes several physiological changes that may directly influence the choice of the most suitable pharmaceutical form for these patients. Currently, there are various forms of drug manufacture and it may often encounter difficulties choosing the most appropriate and effectiveness for these patients. Other changes caused by aging, are the increase in the number of drugs administered at the same time and the irrational use, and these factors can pose risks to the patient's health, which often are not aware of the risks of taken those medicines, as well as the interactions between them and their adverse effects. Therefore, there is a great need for a follow-up done by the health professionals during the treatments, que which must to provide all the necessary information in order to prevent possible side effects. Also, other health professionals have an important role in the follow-up of patients, such as drug administration, disease diagnoses and correct prescriptions. However, there is still a lack of investment in the qualification of these professionals, which still have difficulties in identifying the signs and symptoms of dysphagia, resulting in wrong diagnosis and incorrect choices about the pharmaceutical form and the appropriate prescription.
formas farmacêuticas , via oral , envelhecimento , disfagia , deglutição , pharmaceutical forms , oral administration , aging , dysphagia , swallowing