O advento da lei federal nº. 11.641/2018: a tendência à judicialização da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher e os desafios de manejo da novatio legis incriminadora
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Mendes, Laura de Castro Silva
Barone, Marcelo Luiz
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Este trabalho tem como precípuo objetivo analisar a Lei Federal nº 11.641/2018, a qual inseriu na Lei Federal nº 11.340/06 (Lei Maria da Penha) o seu primeiro e único crime, qual seja o de descumprir decisão judicial que defere medidas protetivas de urgência nela previstas. Isto, por meio do estudo das normas jurídicas internacionais e pátrias as quais precederam e serviram de alicerce à legislação atual – ora também objeto de pontuais reflexões – valendo-se ainda da jurisprudência relacionada ao tema. Para tanto, parte-se da premissa de que a igualdade de gênero, para ser enfim alcançada, carece de progressivas modificações do pensamento cultural. Este, inclusive, conduzido pelas sucessivas alterações legislativas socialmente reivindicadas. Ocorre que tais inovações legais necessitam aportar no ordenamento jurídico com adequação e cautela, sob pena de se tornarem leis simbólicas e não efetivas, haja vista os desafios de seu manejo, na prática criminal.
This essay main objective is analyzing the Federal Law nº 11.641/2018, which inserted in Federal Law nº 11.340/2006 (so called “Maria da Penha” Law) its first and only crime, which is to breach a judicial decision that provided urgency cautions for therein. This, through the study of the international and national legal norms that preceded and served as a foundation for the current legislation – also subject to specific reflections – using current jurisprudence related to the topic. To do so, it is based on the premise that gender equality, to be finally achieved, requires progressive changes in cultural thought. This, by the way, is driven by successive socially claimed legislative changes. It happens that such legal innovations need to be inserted in the legal system with adequacy, under penalty of becoming a symbolic and ineffective law, given the challenges of its handling during criminal practice.
This essay main objective is analyzing the Federal Law nº 11.641/2018, which inserted in Federal Law nº 11.340/2006 (so called “Maria da Penha” Law) its first and only crime, which is to breach a judicial decision that provided urgency cautions for therein. This, through the study of the international and national legal norms that preceded and served as a foundation for the current legislation – also subject to specific reflections – using current jurisprudence related to the topic. To do so, it is based on the premise that gender equality, to be finally achieved, requires progressive changes in cultural thought. This, by the way, is driven by successive socially claimed legislative changes. It happens that such legal innovations need to be inserted in the legal system with adequacy, under penalty of becoming a symbolic and ineffective law, given the challenges of its handling during criminal practice.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2018.
igualdade de gênero , direitos da mulher , violência doméstica e familiar , lei Maria da Penha , medidas protetivas de urgência , gender equality , women rights , domestic and familiar violence , Maria da Penha law , protective cautions of urgency