Justiça criminal negociada: a barganha do pacote anticrime e suas implicações
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Schiavone, Edvaneide Inojosa
Felberg, Lia
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O presente trabalho destina-se a desenvolver uma análise crítica do instituto da barganha apresentado no Pacote Anticrime, pelo Ministro da Justiça Sergio Moro, em que se busca uma simplificação do processo criminal, em prol da eficiência e economia processual. A barganha tem sido muito empregada no cenário internacional, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, mas o resultado apresentado coloca em xeque a sua eficiência, pois o país ocupa atualmente o 1º lugar no mundo em população carcerária. Para que o instituto da barganha seja implementado no Brasil, é preciso fazer um estudo de forma a adaptá-lo ao nosso sistema penal com a prevalência das garantias constitucionais.
The present work aims to develop a critical analysis of the bargaining institute presented in the Anticrime Package, by the Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, which seeks a simplification of the criminal process, in favor of efficiency and procedural economy. The bargain has been heavily used in the international arena, especially in the United States, but the result put in check its efficiency, since the country currently occupies the first place in the world in prison population. In order for the institute of bargaining to be implemented in Brazil, a study must be carried out in order to adapt it to our criminal system with the prevalence of constitutional guarantees.
The present work aims to develop a critical analysis of the bargaining institute presented in the Anticrime Package, by the Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, which seeks a simplification of the criminal process, in favor of efficiency and procedural economy. The bargain has been heavily used in the international arena, especially in the United States, but the result put in check its efficiency, since the country currently occupies the first place in the world in prison population. In order for the institute of bargaining to be implemented in Brazil, a study must be carried out in order to adapt it to our criminal system with the prevalence of constitutional guarantees.
pacote anticrime , barganha , colaboração premiada , sistema prisional , anticrime package , bargain , award winning collaboration , prison system