Estudo de gerenciamento de riscos para projetos de inclusão digital na rede Estadual de ensino
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Silva, Nataliane Martins da
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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Gestão de Projetos é uma área ampla que envolve diversas áreas do conhecimento. A área a ser abordada será Gestão de Riscos, essa área do conhecimento nos últimos anos vem ganhado bastante espaço na Metodologia de Projetos. Os projetos estão sujeitos a inúmeras incertezas dentro do meio a qual se encontram, uma forma de conviver com eles da melhor maneira possível é através do Gerenciamento de Riscos. Através deste Gerenciamento é possível avaliar os riscos positivos e negativos e seu respectivo impacto no projeto, para que essa análise seja completa é interessante identificar, classificar, mensurar o impacto dos riscos e em seguida propor ações a serem tomadas, que podem representar a maximização de uma oportunidade ou a minimização de uma ameaça. O presente trabalho relaciona a importância do estudo dos riscos em relação a inclusão digital, demonstrando o valor deste assunto nos dias atuais, além das mudanças proporcionadas. O estudo de caso foi realizado em cima de um projeto de inclusão digital que abrange mais de 3500 escolas no Estado de São Paulo. A partir deste contexto, o presente estudo teve o foco nas práticas do PMBOK aplicadas no estudo de caso. Através do levantamento e análise das informações do estudo de caso foi possível a criação prévia de um plano de gerenciamento de riscos, do qual tem como base um questionário aplicado dentro da organização e o levantamento de fatos já ocorridos.
Project Management is a broad area that involves many areas of knowledge. The ar-ea to be addressed is Risk Management, this area of knowledge has gained enough space in the Project Methodology in the last years. The projects are subject to nu-merous uncertainties within the environment they are. The way to best deal with them is through Risk Management. Through Risk Management we can evaluate ei-ther the positive and the negative risks and their impact on your project. In order to have a complete analysis, it is interesting to identify, classify and measure the impact of those risks and then propose actions to be taken, which may represent maximiza-tion of an opportunity or minimization of a threat. This work tries to show the im-portance of the study of risks related to digital inclusion, demonstrating the value of this subject nowadays an also the changes it brings. The case study was conducted based on a digital inclusion project that covers more than 3500 schools in the State of São Paulo. From this context, the present study was focused on the PMBOK prac-tices applied in the case study. Through the collection and analysis of information from the case study, it was possible to create a previous risk management plan, which is based on a questionnaire within the organization and the rise of historical facts.
Project Management is a broad area that involves many areas of knowledge. The ar-ea to be addressed is Risk Management, this area of knowledge has gained enough space in the Project Methodology in the last years. The projects are subject to nu-merous uncertainties within the environment they are. The way to best deal with them is through Risk Management. Through Risk Management we can evaluate ei-ther the positive and the negative risks and their impact on your project. In order to have a complete analysis, it is interesting to identify, classify and measure the impact of those risks and then propose actions to be taken, which may represent maximiza-tion of an opportunity or minimization of a threat. This work tries to show the im-portance of the study of risks related to digital inclusion, demonstrating the value of this subject nowadays an also the changes it brings. The case study was conducted based on a digital inclusion project that covers more than 3500 schools in the State of São Paulo. From this context, the present study was focused on the PMBOK prac-tices applied in the case study. Through the collection and analysis of information from the case study, it was possible to create a previous risk management plan, which is based on a questionnaire within the organization and the rise of historical facts.
Gestão de projetos , Gestão de riscos , Inclusão digital , Escola , São Paulo (Estado) , PMBOK (TI)